Sunday, July 23, 2006

Pisses me off

You'll proably wondering

"*sigh* Whats up his ass this time?"

Well to answer that question its not that i live.

This time its women

i was reading a blog quite recently (about 5 minutes ago) and this was a comment someone left

Anonymous said...
Women count more than men do. They are the brains of relationships after all. If it weren't for women subtly pushing things along we'd probably still be in the medieval ages. Not to mention women are the holders of the all important. Sex. If women aren't happy, Men won't be happy.

Ive asked my friends whats more important in a relationshi (yes those friends were male)

and not once was the answer sex.


yes im sure its nice and all (but i wouldn't know and moreorless never will)

I apprently don't understand why people tend to crave it so much.

Maybe its instincts or possibly those annoying hormones.

all i know is that most if not all women believe males are simple minded and all we thing about is sex.

You know what ladies. There are more things we think about other then

A) Sex
B) Beer
C) Women
D) That cute waitress that walked by.

I don't know if im crazy or what but sadly. I don't think of any of those objects all the time. Beer is a big no for me. Ive seen what it does to people and im sorry its not my thing.

Youre prolly thinking well then he's proably thinking about the unlisted option E) Sports.

Sadly no. I can't stand them.

Sports is supposed to be the art of father soon and male bonding.

Sadly ive never had much in the way of male inflence.

In fact i was mainly raqised by my mother and sister.

Well aint that a bitch?

Not like any of this matters anyway. If there are any female who read this are thinking.

"Oh just let him rant he'll calm down in a few minutes.." no this has been pissing me off for quite a while now.

Be prepared to hear more on this subject when i can think of more to say on it.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The box

They say i live in a box, a shell, a bubble.

Let me see here

A house is sometimes referred to as a box.

Claming up some inner emotions i prefer not to be let seen can be considered living in a shell.

Now im stumped about the bubble.

They say the bubble is the best way to distribute energy...but yet its impossible to harness the power of a bubble because everytime they skick a needle in it it simply pops.

and we are sending people to the moon when we haven'tr even figure out how to not pop a bubble witha needle....thats sad.

Well you know we spent billions on a pen that could be used upside down in space when the russians used....a wooden pencil.

God aren't we idoits?

why yes..yes we are.

i played rune scape today.

Cruven>> You should learn to share.
Retard>> Sorry I never learned.
Cruven>> You should really talk to your mom about that.
Retard>> She lives on the other side of the country.
Cruven>> ...
Cruven>> You should call her up on the ********
Retard>> Reported you can't use cursewords
Cruven>> hmmm
Cruven>> tele
Cruven>> *****
Retard>> reported again

What a dick huh? Heres something elese. I know Runescape sucks. Its a fact of life. Its even more pathetic when you find a friedn you want to give your email address too and you have to


because it will filter out

A) suspected curse words does** (nt)
B) filter cursewords ******** (telephone)
C) emails and or anything with .com ******* (

wow.... that really blows.

A game that you are playing with outher ple and meeting others and the only way to contact them is ingame...yeah....and im the jackass here? I think not.

So whoes living in that shell and box now?

Monday, July 17, 2006


As you all should know ill rarely post a few creations of mine...

so we go...









the sad thing is that noone likes number 7 even thought i put the most effort into it and worked the hardest on it. Even my friends say its "not my best work"

whoat other stuff should i post...hmmmm

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

and finally.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

i also make my own myspace overlays...they suck but they are there none the less.

there little thing on the sidebar has a little "My myspace" clicky there. So use that it should work...>.>

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I don't know about you guys but i think im getting worse.

Well you know between the fights with family that occur now and then...

my 18th birthday coming up next month (blah)

I think this time ill disscuss something thats been bothering me a for a while.

When i9 was dating know apprently she talked like i was a great guy (well on of my firends said she made me sound better then a great guy).

If i was such a great guy then how come when we broke up in Feb. after 13 months she said

"I feel your more like a brother to me then a boyfriend. Then again you always tried to be a boyfriend at the wrong times"

Now you see i don't hate females...but the way ive been treated by a majority seems to....hurt.

my mom wishes id find a girl that has the quailities i look for but is also smart like i am.

Smart like i am....laughable because half the time my mom forgets how smart i am and yet i have a hard time with basic math and if im in the mood i am able to do complex math...yeah when im in the mood (aka not depressed...>.>)

last block of last school year i ran a little experiment to see how bad i could fail my classes...(at my school i have like 3 classes a day...the same ones every day)

I had World History III, Math Topics 5, CBE (Computer Based Education).

Well sadly i love history so after i warm up..(about half wayy throught the block) ill do ok..i finished the class with a B-.

My math class i would have had a higher grade but i wanted to see how bad i could fail so i didn't turn in my Mandatory Wirting i would have had higher then a D...but i was failing it most of the block anyway so i saw no point in even doing one. I think i had...a 58% or so either way it was an F.

My CBE class i did about 6 CBE lessons then i said screw it then i just sat at my desk and read everyday and couldn't have cared less what the teacher said. I had about a 59% in that class when it ended. No i didn't turn in a MWA here either. ALSO that class had the damnable Acceralted Reader Program...your given a list of books and you have some goal thing you need to meet.

Well you see i had CBE all year so about that last block i had read every book on that list that INTERESTED me.

So this coming year either

A) the school will need to get books that interest me that war on that list
B) i say screw it and see for a class transfer.

My school isn't very large you see....about less then 200 people i think. and theres only about 6 classrooms (i count the 2 rooms that were combined into one for Cosmo as one room). Anyway the book choice on that list blow so i say compile all o fthose lists and burn them then we can all yell FIRAGA! but....thats my fantasy...and my school sucks anyway so either way it won't matter.

I digress...

for a couple of weeks now theres been a girl on my mind. BUT i won't say her name incase someone from my school reads this. They already have enough to laugh at. And i will confrim that it isn't Karen.

I can't contact her due to i have no way of it...i don't have her number, e-mail, and apprently she doesn't have a myspace. I do however believe i know where she lives. (having the same bus route helps....some).

Keep in mind i don't drive...>.>

So i decied to go for a walk....won't make that mistake again.

This is Arizona..your not supposed to walk.

i leave my house at....11:45 AM.....i get to hers at 1:15 PM...oh yeah i was noone was home...i had two options

A) stay and wait
B) walk to karens house and know that Karen is out of state

I chose option B....(i get bored easy and i wouldn't have stayed anyway)

So i walk to Karen's not sure when i got there...but it was at least another hours walk...

Anyway stuff happened when i woke up the next right arm...and my neck where a healthy deep red....

that firstday you know your ok because things don't hurt...much

DAY i was downing pain killers faster then then well some drug addict could even mash em up (no im not additicted to anything....and i didn't have that many i could only have 2 at a time...and i had a couple..every...4 or 6 hours) mainly because Aloe Vera wasn't workin....damn i was in pain

well to pass the time i played Final Fantasy X won't make that mistake again.

Today its 3 of my sunburn and its at that irritating state...only hurts it something touches it...

yes i know the red gives me some color but eh....whats the point? i have no reason to go outside or go anyplace else.

Hell when i was dating karen that gave me reason to go places but im single the hermit king....

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Depression perhaps

Yes people i suffer from two things.

A) Depression..and sadly it runs on my moms side of the family so it was natural for me to get it.
B) PTSD (Post Trumatic Stress Disorder.) Im not going to explain how that managed to befall me.

Put those two together and you

many people call me emo.

Emo tend to cut themseleves and listen to crappy shitty music. Hmmm....sorry i don't listen to the radio and no i don't cut myself either.

Thereby im not Emo...and hell i even if i was i wouldn't know it.

Now you may be wondering WHY im depressed and what not.

Tis quite simple.

Im functionally not the functionally retarded of most people. Im special...(not worthy of that short bus....yet).

Blah blah blah...rant rant rant...

They say there is someone out there for everyone right?

I tend to disagree. Ive been told i don't look to...horendus...but its my aditude that sucks yeh?

Well...f you suffered what i did for 3 years yeah you might be pretty messed up to. try to tell people about it and no one listens...that may cause you to feel alone so much nothing dispells it so you isolate away from people....hmmm....

Lets see...i also believe Low self esteem is also on that list...

Now you may be shaking your head right now...saying "Get some damn therapy."

yeah...5 therapists still messed up. Not any better but possibly worse?

They say..."just wait..youll find her eventually"

yeh? females tend to outlive males and hell i might die in my sleep tonight for all i know.


My MSN name has changed.

it reads.

Cruven-Shoot me. Spill my blood and I'll spill yours.

maybe on FFXI i should do the work to create a new char since Elvaan seem to suck. Become a Hume..then work my ass of to be a Dark Knight.


I have wasted your time. Tell me otherwise....and i won't believe it.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Back in business

I have a few short things i want to get out there.

First off. In that argument a post below...I won it.

However i won't post the whole rest of the arguement but i Shall post the thing he said after my first reply.

Prepare yourself to meet the functionally retarded.


Im so scared now its as if thats what he was trying to do....hmmm.... PFFFFT Yeah right. Only a few things scare me in this world at my current age. No death isn't something im afraid of..nfact its dieing alone that scares me.

Anyway onto the next issue.

Ever herd of Final Fantasy FFXI?

Im sure you have...No i don't need your funny look.

Well Im back to playing it again. I won't say my characters name because i already posted what it is on this site a few times already. Hell its on/in every blog entry. Or is it? Hmmmm....

thats for you to decide. *insert laughter here*

Im having one of myfriends obtain a world pass for me so i can return to Ragnarok server...i just hope it didn't go all to hell....those things usually happen when im away.

Last...we hold the most important issue.

This is one thing you won't expect....ever...

After a year....

oh....wait....what was i doing?

oh yeah the "issue"


She has come out to visit.

I mean come on lets face it...who wouldn't want to see someone they haven't seen in a year?

Luckily for me its 7:55 AM so everyone is still sleeping so i have regin over the food storages...haha. Not that i eat much anyway...>.>

Well it is now time for me to wait for that world pass...then when i get on my friend says he will powerlevel me like nobodies business. (maybe this time around ill get passed level 15..yeah i know i suck but im not telling you about your problems)