Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I don't know about you guys but i think im getting worse.

Well you know between the fights with family that occur now and then...

my 18th birthday coming up next month (blah)

I think this time ill disscuss something thats been bothering me a for a while.

When i9 was dating karen...you know apprently she talked like i was a great guy (well on of my firends said she made me sound better then a great guy).

If i was such a great guy then how come when we broke up in Feb. after 13 months she said

"I feel your more like a brother to me then a boyfriend. Then again you always tried to be a boyfriend at the wrong times"

Now you see i don't hate females...but the way ive been treated by a majority seems to....hurt.

my mom wishes id find a girl that has the quailities i look for but is also smart like i am.

Smart like i am....laughable because half the time my mom forgets how smart i am and yet i have a hard time with basic math and if im in the mood i am able to do complex math...yeah when im in the mood (aka not depressed...>.>)

last block of last school year i ran a little experiment to see how bad i could fail my classes...(at my school i have like 3 classes a day...the same ones every day)

I had World History III, Math Topics 5, CBE (Computer Based Education).

Well sadly i love history so after i warm up..(about half wayy throught the block) ill do ok..i finished the class with a B-.

My math class i would have had a higher grade but i wanted to see how bad i could fail so i didn't turn in my Mandatory Wirting assignment...so i would have had higher then a D...but i was failing it most of the block anyway so i saw no point in even doing one. I think i had...a 58% or so either way it was an F.

My CBE class i did about 6 CBE lessons then i said screw it then i just sat at my desk and read everyday and couldn't have cared less what the teacher said. I had about a 59% in that class when it ended. No i didn't turn in a MWA here either. ALSO that class had the damnable Acceralted Reader Program...your given a list of books and you have some goal thing you need to meet.

Well you see i had CBE all year so about that last block i had read every book on that list that INTERESTED me.

So this coming year either

A) the school will need to get books that interest me that war on that list
B) i say screw it and see for a class transfer.

My school isn't very large you see....about less then 200 people i think. and theres only about 6 classrooms (i count the 2 rooms that were combined into one for Cosmo as one room). Anyway the book choice on that list blow so i say compile all o fthose lists and burn them then we can all yell FIRAGA! but....thats my fantasy...and my school sucks anyway so either way it won't matter.

I digress...

for a couple of weeks now theres been a girl on my mind. BUT i won't say her name incase someone from my school reads this. They already have enough to laugh at. And i will confrim that it isn't Karen.

I can't contact her due to i have no way of it...i don't have her number, e-mail, and apprently she doesn't have a myspace. I do however believe i know where she lives. (having the same bus route helps....some).

Keep in mind i don't drive...>.>

So i decied to go for a walk....won't make that mistake again.

This is Arizona..your not supposed to walk.

i leave my house at....11:45 AM.....i get to hers at 1:15 PM...oh yeah i was hurtin....plus noone was home...i had two options

A) stay and wait
B) walk to karens house and know that Karen is out of state

I chose option B....(i get bored easy and i wouldn't have stayed anyway)

So i walk to Karen's house....im not sure when i got there...but it was at least another hours walk...

Anyway stuff happened when i woke up the next morning...my right arm...and my neck where a healthy deep red....

that firstday you know your ok because things don't hurt...much

DAY 2....man i was downing pain killers faster then then well some drug addict could even mash em up (no im not additicted to anything....and i didn't have that many i could only have 2 at a time...and i had a couple..every...4 or 6 hours) mainly because Aloe Vera wasn't workin....damn i was in pain

well to pass the time i played Final Fantasy X all...day....I won't make that mistake again.

Today its what...day 3 of my sunburn and its at that irritating state...only hurts it something touches it...

yes i know the red gives me some color but eh....whats the point? i have no reason to go outside or go anyplace else.

Hell when i was dating karen that gave me reason to go places but im single So.....im the hermit king....


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