Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Look who has returned

From the land of the dead i have arisen once again.

To post another entry to consume your time and whats left of your soul.

*insert evil laugh here*

Let me see something that pisses me off.

Ah yes.

gilSellers these are the guys youll come acrossed on FFXI.

what do they do?

Well you goto a website..regeister..pay lots of money ot havegil delievered to you on FFXI.

"But Cru thatsounds like a good thing."

BEEP! Wrong answer

ok youve spend three day's camping a nortious monster (NM) for a really good expensive drop.

Youve made all the prep work..youve check your equipment multiple times...and your sitting there waiting for it to pop.

SUDDENLY your camp is taken over by alot of people...most of which don't have subjobs..and at that moment your NM pops..they swarm it..get the drop and leave...

you then want to stab each and every one of them.

(has yet to happen to me)

Whats worse are the GS in training..they are EVERYWHERE. I was by the tower in Qifim waiting for a Party invite...then i realized i wasn't gonna get one cause gil sellers were all over the place like cockroaches.

I only had to laugh when 4 giants linked em (i dunno where the other two came from cause i thought there was only two spawns) and they all ran for the main zone...

there was only about there people left standing there and i was one of them and i put my party seek flag up....2 hours later i was in San d'Oria working on crafting cause after 5 minutes i gave up waiting.

If i had the power id find a way to get all the most powerful dragons in the game in one area...and put all the gill sellers in there as i could...when they die they can't be raised and their IP addresses are banned instanly.

"But what if they fight back"

If i had the power id simply add all the spike effects tot he dragons as i could so that way they lose HP perstrike..and if one dragon drops id simply replace it with a new stronger versiojn of it.

And id also make it so no matter what they do they can't get MP or HP back so mages are rendered useless.

Ahhhh...if only i could.

Things may lag a bit for the first few minutes....until i bring in Dragoons and have their wyverns join the frey *evil look*


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