Sunday, June 25, 2006

Guess what

I started playting World of Warcraft again.

Sadly i prolly won't chronical my adventures...why? because they are fucking boreing.

This is what you'd most likely hear.

"I walked over to the boy of water...turned on my track beasts and found non and track humanoids found nothing either. So i comenced fishing and caught (insert fish name here). Then i caugth some more fish and i turned around and a friecken bear was back there. So i pulled out my trusty gun (read: that i made being an engineer) and shot a few rounds into it then i pulled out my 2 handed sword and started hacking away while my pet did his work on the creature as well."

blah blah blah.

I can't tell you of the stupidity i read in the chat channel because i block the retards that talk there. Lately there has been too much Chuck Norris talk. And you know what I say Fuck Chuck Norris. [GM]Dave is better anyway.

Besides im not as funny as [GM]Dave either because for one he's a FRICKEN GM! He gets to do all sorts of cool things like feeding Jormy retards on a daily basis. I wish i could feed people to dragonkin. But sadly i can't so oh well.

Yap yap yap.

Go away now...ill post a link alter where you can check out my WoW progress with y main char. It displays all my stats current items and current quests im doing.


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