Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Myspace school forum

Im pretty sure alot of you have a myspace. Im also pretty sure there are those of you who know about your school's forum.

Well im pretty active in the school forum when im bored...(note: its full of the functionally retarded.)

Here is a conversation that occured.

here is what one person said.

how can anybody be sure there is a heaven or a god, has anyone come back from the dead, no, no ones seen what heaven looks like, therefore not real unless proven otherwise, just like god, all these fuckin crack head say they talked to god when eally theyre just talking to themselves, that why i dont beleive in godand no you dont live that long and even if you are happy with what you have it can still be taken away from you in an single moment, so as i say, what is the true reason to living?"

Ok i red the writing...being how it was about 6 AM for me at the time i clicked reply without thinking and just started typing....like i am now. I said....

"Just because you don't believe there is a god (im iffy on the subject) doesn't mean you should just put things down like that. Its best to let people believe in what they will. So what if there is or isn't a God. Its all upto each individual to believe.

As for the reason for living thats different for everyone too. There is no ONE reason. Everyone has their own veiws upon life and death. Some people think that thy only have one purpose in life to fullfill, others think that they have to live it fast.

Lets see here. There's 365 days a year. Im 17. thats alot of fuckin days ive lived with more to com so how can it be short. There are pople that count their lives by minutes or even seconds so they believe they can live longer.

Everything is upto the individual. As for you your just pissed about something and think there is no point in life. To me that just gets a whole bunch of people pissed at you then it seems like your wasting all your Goddamn time living when your accomplishing nothing. Then more or less youll start doing things and not giving a Damn about it.

I sually feel i have no purpose in my life and yes i hate it at times. But I'm still here am i not? As far as i can tell im still alive its not like "kill me now" *drops dead*. No things don't work like that. Hell when you think about it. Things usually never work when you demand it and alot of the time you don't get what you want when you want it no matter how you ask for it.

So you can go about and argue every thing ive said but i feel ive said enough.

I have two more words for you "Shut up.""

I think I owned him in one way or another without meaning to. Now I doubt anyone will read all of that since the school is full of nothing but the lazy people (note: functionally retarded).

But hey what do you really expect its a high school. A small one at that. What else would it be full of?

Monday, June 26, 2006

*insert title name here*

Yes im too lazy and tired to think of a current title. I didn't get to sleep last night because my throat was bugging me on the left side...

im quite aware that may sound retarded..but currently i don't really care.

and also...[Gm]Dave agrees with me..or i agree with him..im not quite sure which...either way we agree on this (copied from [Gm]Dave's blog)

So, I walk over to the PS2 section and slap a game out of a young child's hands.

[GM]Dave>> You shouldn't be playing that.
[GM]Dave>> Don't you know how the rating system works?
Child>> I can count to five.
[GM]Dave>> Wow. That's great.
[GM]Dave>> Shut the hell up.
Child>> Why shouldn't I get this game?
[GM]Dave>> Well... it's a Naruto game.
[GM]Dave>> That means it's only for retarded kids.
Child>> I like Naruto.
[GM]Dave>> I'm sorry.
[GM]Dave>> I must have missed the short bus on my way in.
Child>> I don't ride the short bus.
[GM]Dave>> Yeah, yeah, Billy. Whatever.
[GM]Dave>> Do you have a handler or a trainer or something?

Sorry for all of you Naruto fans out there..but i agree its retarded and highly overrated..just like breathing...

I can choke you right?


im tired and my throat still bothers me.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Guess what

I started playting World of Warcraft again.

Sadly i prolly won't chronical my adventures...why? because they are fucking boreing.

This is what you'd most likely hear.

"I walked over to the boy of water...turned on my track beasts and found non and track humanoids found nothing either. So i comenced fishing and caught (insert fish name here). Then i caugth some more fish and i turned around and a friecken bear was back there. So i pulled out my trusty gun (read: that i made being an engineer) and shot a few rounds into it then i pulled out my 2 handed sword and started hacking away while my pet did his work on the creature as well."

blah blah blah.

I can't tell you of the stupidity i read in the chat channel because i block the retards that talk there. Lately there has been too much Chuck Norris talk. And you know what I say Fuck Chuck Norris. [GM]Dave is better anyway.

Besides im not as funny as [GM]Dave either because for one he's a FRICKEN GM! He gets to do all sorts of cool things like feeding Jormy retards on a daily basis. I wish i could feed people to dragonkin. But sadly i can't so oh well.

Yap yap yap.

Go away now...ill post a link alter where you can check out my WoW progress with y main char. It displays all my stats current items and current quests im doing.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Read: Dealing with my first moron

Here are some blips from a conversation i had

AngelZyP: Hello Are you there?
OmegaHydraShadow: hmmm?
AngelZyP: u probley dont know me but i found ur name on mygen but i need heil can u help me OmegaHydraShadow: depends upon what your working upon.
OmegaHydraShadow: i can help with a few things
AngelZyP: u have my space right?????

The conversation continued for a while....the retardation of this person started the really show through...when i asked for the URL to her page she started giving me the code that she was supposed to apply in the about me section...how retarded...

OmegaHydraShadow: ah. have you added any content to it at all?
AngelZyP: huh????
AngelZyP: u know im only 15 u gott talk at my level
OmegaHydraShadow: *sigh* alright g ill try to talk at the usual 15 level. On the main myspace page after de login..click edit profile right next to the area it shows your pic. OmegaHydraShadow: youll see a setion titled for the about me content
OmegaHydraShadow: copy the longass code you get from the create a profile thing....paste it in your about me section then find the save all changes button at the bottom
OmegaHydraShadow: i g2g

I think i need to make it apprent that the functionally retarded shouldn't use computers. To that person i am offline...permentately....DAndy gave me the blocking idea.

You see...if a person is so stupide they try giving you the code...please turn off your computer buy a P.I. have them find the person..buy a plane ticket...goto the their city...buy a baseball bat at the nearest Wal-Mart..goto thetheir house and assult their computer.

"Im sorry but you seem functionally retarded..let me set up your myspace for you."

Please unless you are able to understand the words I type don't contact me.

((Some of you don't know him but i wish [GM]Dave was there to help me deal with that moron.... I so hope that person doesn't play FFXI))

Sunday, June 18, 2006

To post a blog or not post a blog

Yes im deciding on the post option in this case.


Simply because i was chatting with a friend of mine. And we got to talking about morons.

we were talking about the chat feature of mygen.

TRACEY says:
yeps and there is alot of stupid people that come in like today there was this guy who wanted to know how to change it text color so I told him and he was so where do I put that and I said where ever you want to type and change the color
Cruven says:
TRACEY says:
and he says where do I want to type and I was like lol do you know how to edit your profile
so people dont get it
Cruven says:
the stupidity of the human race..never fails to amaze me
TRACEY says:

the best part comes when people act all gangster. (read my entry: To the morons)

TRACEY says:
lol ya there is alot of people that come in the chat room and start talk like they know there shit
I just kick them off
Cruven says:

as you can tell when it comes to a converstaion via a messenger of some sort i can be a man of few words.

Now Tracey is a nice person to talk to. I even don't mind it when she will criticse my Photoshop works. Simply because she is still nice witht he way its said AND she ENCOURAGES ME to keep working on it.

other then getting responses like...

here is what someone said on my first overlay for my myspace profile...it just....killed me

colors dont really do it for me. writing too small. not enough personal
content. and what's with the robo-heads? there frankly weird looking. sorry. my
opinions are usually brutal and fatal. im like simon cowell.

A) first of all...who the hell is Simon Cowell?
B) in retailiation to that...a few comments before i got a nice comment by my photoshop idol...ill call him ISL (some ppl know who he is)

Dude I think its good for your first one! your designs
will get better along with your photoshop skillz, just do as many tutorials as
you possibly can stand! practice practice practice!!! You will get better with
time!!! Hit me up anytime if you need some help!!!

Anywho....there are a few ppl i do respect criticism from really well and those are the ones i talk to on MSN messenger (or in ISL's case i talk to him on Myspace messages). They are aware of who they are. But im too lazy to repeat their names :P

Have a kickass night

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Due to my high lack of writing creativity and such.

What should i wirte about?

I could talk about my runescapain life.but i may bore you all with the deatils.

Cruven: Hi
Other Dood: Are you interested in trade.
Cruven: Let me see your wares.
Cruven: Are you kidding me... that is outrageous im not paying 5 gp for a stick.
Cruven closes the shop window and runs away.
Cruven shows up sometime later covered in blood.
Cruven: Man i love killing.....Hill Giants. Only five more to go...out of 59.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Something new?

Am i not thinking of funny blogs for you people fast enough (red: one major fan).

So I thought id dedicate this small section to that fan...


there i think that will make him happy.


Me and that dedicated fan were playing Kingdom hearts two...you know that one game that Square Enix made too easy for the two of us (read:im better at combat then he is :P)

Anyway (ha i told you say that alot)

I think its time for a new challenge...

what is that challenge you ask?

Simply making that fan a myspace Div overlay...

Reader: But Cru how is that a challenge?
Me: Simply because he is supplying 4 or picstures and i have to add them to a custom made background of some sort...and i have to create awesome otherings to apply and i have to teach him how he would be able to adjust his about me section...AND id have to do all the coding
Read: Why won't you teach him to do all that
Me: Im lazy.
Ready: Sure you are...
Me: Go away now.

Anywho...I also have a signature ims uppose to make for someone but ive been putting that off for a while now while i try to teach myself some ne photshop stuff...