Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Myspace school forum

Im pretty sure alot of you have a myspace. Im also pretty sure there are those of you who know about your school's forum.

Well im pretty active in the school forum when im bored...(note: its full of the functionally retarded.)

Here is a conversation that occured.

here is what one person said.

how can anybody be sure there is a heaven or a god, has anyone come back from the dead, no, no ones seen what heaven looks like, therefore not real unless proven otherwise, just like god, all these fuckin crack head say they talked to god when eally theyre just talking to themselves, that why i dont beleive in godand no you dont live that long and even if you are happy with what you have it can still be taken away from you in an single moment, so as i say, what is the true reason to living?"

Ok i red the writing...being how it was about 6 AM for me at the time i clicked reply without thinking and just started typing....like i am now. I said....

"Just because you don't believe there is a god (im iffy on the subject) doesn't mean you should just put things down like that. Its best to let people believe in what they will. So what if there is or isn't a God. Its all upto each individual to believe.

As for the reason for living thats different for everyone too. There is no ONE reason. Everyone has their own veiws upon life and death. Some people think that thy only have one purpose in life to fullfill, others think that they have to live it fast.

Lets see here. There's 365 days a year. Im 17. thats alot of fuckin days ive lived with more to com so how can it be short. There are pople that count their lives by minutes or even seconds so they believe they can live longer.

Everything is upto the individual. As for you your just pissed about something and think there is no point in life. To me that just gets a whole bunch of people pissed at you then it seems like your wasting all your Goddamn time living when your accomplishing nothing. Then more or less youll start doing things and not giving a Damn about it.

I sually feel i have no purpose in my life and yes i hate it at times. But I'm still here am i not? As far as i can tell im still alive its not like "kill me now" *drops dead*. No things don't work like that. Hell when you think about it. Things usually never work when you demand it and alot of the time you don't get what you want when you want it no matter how you ask for it.

So you can go about and argue every thing ive said but i feel ive said enough.

I have two more words for you "Shut up.""

I think I owned him in one way or another without meaning to. Now I doubt anyone will read all of that since the school is full of nothing but the lazy people (note: functionally retarded).

But hey what do you really expect its a high school. A small one at that. What else would it be full of?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate it when people blame their problems on the non-existance of god.

Anyway, I think you are talented in writing. I enjoyed reading your blog (so far). Throught people like you, retards bring joy to my world.

See how it all works out? Everyone is a crucial component to the happiness of each other.

I love my optimisim at 3 in the morning.

Keep the blog going!


2:40 AM  

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